For Compliance & Quality Auditors, & Assurers

A Quantum Leap in Trust and Transparency
Quantum Leap provides a platform for the new generation of professionals responsible for continuously improving compliance and quality across the organisation and its supply chains.

✓ Easily track your compliance requirements and actions
✓ Collaborate online with inspectors and auditors
✓ Integrate the auditing of multiple compliance regimes and record them all, at the same time
✓ Use on mobile or laptop devices easily - embed evidence photos as you take them
✓Work online or offline, remotely or on-site
✓ Produce reports and aggregate data with ease
✓ Analyse and learn from grower insights

✓ Online in the cloud - no app downloads required
✓ Audit remotely, without having to travel or visit the site
✓ Key evidence can be viewed and uploaded by auditors and clients in separate locations using mobile devices such as tablets and phones
✓ Prove the authenticity of evidence using date/time stamping and capturing the geographic location.
✓ Audit multiple compliance regimes at the same time
✓ Collaborate online with inspectors and auditors
✓ Work online and offline
The auditor's digital world will use a cloud platform that provides:
All your compliance, quality and ESG standards
The platform has been built to handle any ISO or other safety, environmental, social and governance standards. Having all your standards on one place makes it easier and consistent for everyone to use.
Multi-Scheme integrated audits
ISO 9001, 9014 and 9045 have a 33% repetition of control points across all schemes. An integrated approach removes duplication of assessment and evidence gathering.
Onsite, offsite and hybrid auditing
Integrated remote and onsite audit systems will reduce travel resulting in a lower financial and carbon cost.
Providing a view across all standards
Having all the schemes on one platform enables reports and dashboards across all the schemes providing views across the organisation or supply chain.
Continuous Improvement
Tracking performance, aggregating data, and monitoring actions enables rigorous continuous improvement programs.
Ensuring Quality for the New Zealand
Food and Wine Industry
Telarc is the largest assessor of ISO standards in New Zealand, uses QLBS for Food and Wine Safety (WSMP) compliance as well as ISO 9001. Its teams of professional assessors coordinate quality assessment programs nationally.
The system enables review and collaboration delivering a higher quality audit. The data harvested enables added client value based on industry insights.

Exemplar Global
Audit Simulator
Exemplar Global are the world’s leading certifier of auditors and auditor training courses. These include auditor training of the ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, and other ISO standards.
Exemplar Global have recognised that the future of business compliance and quality auditing is in digital platforms; tools that will assist the auditor to deliver greater value at a lower cost.
In their program to recruit a new generation of auditors they have partnered with QLBS to develop the online Audit Simulator. The learner can get hands-on experience of auditing and compare themselves against the professionals.
“We are working with lead auditor training organisations around the world to develop a range of simulations to cover different auditor experiences.'"
The CEO of Exemplar Global Andrew Baines

IQM Group
ISO 9004
The IQM group have partnered with QLBS to develop ISO 9004 as a continuous improvement program for SME’s and supplier clusters.

“ISO9004 enables Quality and Supply Chain managers to assess and continuously improve their suppliers. It is not an ISO standard, but an Improvement program that - when conducted on the QLBS platform - enables reach across the whole community providing benchmarking and portfolio management"
Carew Hatherley is the Chair of the IQM group.
Carew is a Certified Lead Auditor and trainer for ISO 9001, 14001, 27001 & 45001.
For a free trial of the ISO 9004 which features improvement please e-mail [email protected] and we will set you up.
Take a Quantum Leap Beyond Spreadsheets
Use our online, real-time, SAAS platform that offers visibility, consistency, reliability, integrity, control, confidence, rigour and flexibility.