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QLBS Appoints Alistair Niederer as CEO
The Future of Auditing
You can’t get AI without the I
Ensuring Supply Chains deliver on ESG Promises
KPMG NZ and QLBS sign global SAAS agreement
Thanks KPMG!
ESG and the New Business Excellence: Past models of excellence need to transform.
ESG Reporting - highly visible, and critical to get right
GLOBALG.A.P. V6: Auto-upload Solution - Register Now
Data Mining - Do you have Visibility Beyond Spreadsheets?
Planting Trees for a Greener Future
ISO27001 Certified for Data Security
QuantumLeap Remote Audit - How Does it Work?
It's the Biggest Shift in Reporting since Accounting was invented!
The Power to be Your Best
Don’t just Blah! Blah! Blah! Make it happen!
When you Look Around your Office, How Much Paper do you See?
We thought that NOW would be the perfect time to undertake a European Research Tour.
Remote Auditing is Building in Popularity across Asia
Regulations Growing Wild in Europe
Exemplar Global Launches Online Audit Simulator; How do you compare to other professional auditors?
Judging the 2021 International Best Practice Competition
Why did New Zealand Farmers Drive their Tractors into the Cities?